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Thank you, technology!

Thank you, technology!

By Sarah McDermott, Private Client Paralegal What a year 2020 was! I am sure none of us could have predicted the lockdowns and the effects of the pandemic. Traditionally, solicitors’ appointments have always been face to face, and this is for a number of reasons, such...
New Beginnings

New Beginnings

We are very pleased to announce that we are able to reopen our doors to clients from Monday 12th April. We have, of course, still been here, and our staff have been working incredibly hard to keep our service to you running as smoothly as possible. We have done most...
What is a Paralegal?

What is a Paralegal?

By Sarah McDermott, Private Client Paralegal A Paralegal is legally trained and educated to perform legal tasks and offer legal assistance, but is not a qualified Solicitor. Paralegals usually specialise in a particular area of law. Paralegals are being given more and...
Why should I use a Solicitor to prepare my Will?

Why should I use a Solicitor to prepare my Will?

By Sarah McDermott, Paralegal You do not necessarily need to use a solicitor to draft your Will, you can make it yourself. However, the law surrounding Wills is especially complex and so it may be helpful to receive some expert advice. Would you want to risk getting...
Homemade Wills – more trouble than they are worth?

Homemade Wills – more trouble than they are worth?

By Chris Milne – Director & Private Client Solicitor During the last year, as a result of the pandemic, we at Onions & Davies have seen a sharp rise in the amount of people making Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney. Naturally, people are wanting to plan for...